Frequently Asked Questions



Q : How do I cancel or change an order?

Made a mistake while ordering? For one-off deliveries, you can cancel or change your order before it leaves our warehouse by contacting

Q : How do I return an item(s)?

If you find that you're unhappy with an item you've purchased from us, we have a hassle-free returns policy as well as a dedicated support team to make everything right for you. Simply contact us at and we can sort everything out. Please note that no credits or refunds can be given without first speaking to a Nodookie representative.

Shipping & Deliveries

Q : How much will shipping cost me?

Good news! We offer free shipping over $49 to metro areas (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth).

Q : Am I able to pay for an order, but have it sent to somebody else's address?

That's not a problem at all - just make sure you include the recipient's name in your delivery address details to avoid confusion.


Q : Can I return an order?

If you find that you're unhappy with an item you've purchased from us, we have a hassle-free returns policy as well as a dedicated support team to make everything right for you. Simply contact us at and we can sort everything out. Please note that no credits or refunds can be given without first speaking to a Nodookie representative.

Company Information

Q : Where is Nodookie based?

We're an Australian-owned company headquartered in Sydney, New South Wales. If you want, you can learn more about us by visiting Our Dookie page.

Q : Can I visit your store in person?

We are currently online only but stay tuned as we hope to be in a store near you soon!

Q : I need help! Can I speak to someone for assistance?

Our customer support team would be happy to help! You can contact us at (we accept random unrequested puppy photos).

Payment Information

Q : What payment options do you offer?

You can pay securely at Nodookie using either Paypal or a credit card. We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Unfortunately we are unable to receive or accept payments using Bpay, Direct Deposit, or cute pet photos at this time.


Q : How do I redeem a coupon?

Sometimes we offer special promotions or discounts that can be redeemed with a coupon. To redeem, simply enter your coupon in the relevant field in the checkout section and click 'apply code', simple as that. Unless otherwise stated, Nodookie coupons and discounts are only valid for one use per household.