Privacy Policy


Proper handling of your information with due regard to your personal rights as well as observance of your right to informational self-determination when using your personal data is a major concern to us. Collection, processing and use of your personal data conform to relevant legal provisions, particularly to Australian data protection directives and their implementation in national laws. Work In Progress reserves the right to adapt this privacy policy to amended statutory provisions and regulations at any time. Please keep up with changes to our privacy policy by accessing it on our website using the appropriate link.

(1) Automatic collection, processing and use of personal data

(1.1) Web service log files

When you access the web pages of our website with your browser, our online shop server automatically stores the information required for the operation of a web service in log files, including the name of your browser, the name of your internet service provider, the IP address of your PC, the address of the web page from which you accessed our online shop, the name of your operating system, the web pages you visit on our website, as well as the date and duration of your visit. This information is temporarily stored in the log files and automatically deleted afterward. The purpose of this storage is, in case of a problem, to enable an analysis of activities which possibly caused the fault.

(1.2) Cookies

Our online shop uses session cookies, which are small files transferred to your PC by the web server. These files are used to track your movement from page to page in our online shop or to manage a shopping cart.

One the one hand, cookies are differentiated according to the duration of their storage. So-called session cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser. A session cookie can be used to manage a shopping cart or to identify products of special interest, whereas permanent cookies remain stored on your PC. Information about the storage duration is provided by your browser. A permanent cookie can be reread the next time you visit our website. To prevent this, you can delete the permanent cookie after your visit to our website. Permanent cookies can for example be used to provide information from a shop website for use by an online payment service.

On the other hand, cookies are differentiated according to their origin. So-called first-party cookies always originate from the website indicated in your browser's address bar. So-called third-party cookies originate from websites which you have not visited directly, but have been tied into in the first-party's website by means of images or advertisements. Your browser can tell you the sources of the cookies stored on your PC.

Most browsers are set to accept cookies. To disable this function, please change the corresponding settings of your browser. If your browser does not accept any cookies, you might not be able to visit all the web pages of our online shop without any trouble. To place an order, it is necessary for you to set your browser to accept session cookies. Session cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser.

The web analysis tool that we use, Google Analytics, stores a permanent cookie on your PC, when this function is enabled by the browser settings. A permanent cookie can be reread the next time you visit our website. To prevent this, you can delete the permanent cookie after your visit to our website.

(1.3) Web Analysis Tool Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google").  Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. To protect your privacy, this website will render your IP Address anonymous before it is transferred to Google. Only in exceptional cases will your IP address be transmitted in full length and rendered anonymous by Google in the US. The operator of this website has commissioned Google to use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google will not associate your IP address collected by Google Analytics with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of our online shop. The deletion of permanent cookies after a visit to our online shop will not result in any impairment.

Regardless of the way your browser handles cookies, you can opt out of any collection, transfer, and processing of Google Analytics related data (including your IP address) by downloading and installing a Browser Plug-In, which can be downloaded using this link

(1.4) Google E-commerce Tracking

We use Google e-commerce tracking in our online shop. Based on Google Analytics, Google collects, on our behalf, information about products added by customers to a shopping cart and provides this information to us in anonymized reports, i.e. without a personal reference option. You can prevent this tracking by installing the Google Analytics deactivation plug-in in your browser as described in (1.3).

(1.5) Market research and optimization of our website

To optimize our website and our advertising, we store individual usage data under pseudonyms. This will not result in our contacting you personally with advertisements. In addition, it is prohibited by law to combine these usage data with information on the bearer of the respective pseudonym. However, if you do not want us to collect and analyze your usage data in this manner, you can opt this out by sending a simple e-mail to

(1.6) Affiliate Partner Programs

We cooperate with several partners that promote our products on the internet. If you were redirected by one of the advertisements run by our partners to our online shop, a corresponding cookie is set. If you make a purchase in our shop afterward, the partner will receive a commission for this. Your personal data is not disclosed to the partner at any time during this process. We process these data pseudonymously; we do not combine these data with information on the bearer of the respective pseudonym under any circumstances. You can prevent this processing by changing the cookies settings in your browser accordingly.

(1.7) Pin it! Button

If you access a web page on our website which contains the Pin it! Button, a connection to the Pinterest server is set up via a plug-in. If you are logged in as a member of Pinterest at this time, the information that you have accessed our website is transmitted to your Pinterest account. Your interaction with Pinterest, e.g. linking one of our shop offers on your pin board, is directly controlled by the Pinterest server. The responsible office with regard to data privacy regulations for the processing of your data during the use of the Pin-It! Button is the partner company Pinterest Inc., 635 High Street, Palo Alto, CA, 94301, USA. To find out more about Pinterest privacy policies, go to

If you are not a member of Pinterest, or if you logged out of your Pinterest before you visited our website, only your IP address is transmitted to the Pinterest server to enable the graphic representation of the button stored on the Pinterest server to be displayed in your browser.

(1.8) Remarketing

We use retargeting technologies to selectively advertise products on our partners' websites in which you were interested in our shop.
During retargeting advertising material is adapted and displayed based on a cookie-based and anonymized analysis of the previous user behavior. No personal data are stored.
You can opt out the use of data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of our website by adjusting your browser settings to refuse third-party cookies.

(2) Collection and use of your information

(2.1) Information for processing your order

To enable optimum processing of your order, we collect and store information required for business purposes and communicate it, if required, to the companies (payment, logistics, shipping) involved in the completion of your order.

The payment process is handled by an external service provider. For this purpose you will temporarily be redirected to the service provider's website when you place your order (check out). Basically Work in Progress does not collect or store your credit card information your Paypal or Postfinance account information. Payment information may temporarily be stored as an exception only for returns or complaints and only if you provide this information to us.

We will use your e-mail address to send you status information about your order. As an unregistered shopper, you will be asked to state your e-mail address with every order. It will not be used for any other purpose unless you expressly consent to this.

(3) Further privacy policies

(3.1) Controller of the data file

The controller of the data file in terms of data privacy is the company stated in the site notice. This company is responsible solely for the web pages published on the domain, however not for partner company web pages which may be linked from web pages of our website.

(3.2) Linked web pages

The respective partner company is responsible for data privacy on linked web pages. Please refer to the website notice information or privacy policy of the linked website. Please direct any queries or requests in connection with your rights as a person concerned with regard to access, correction, deletion and disabling to the corresponding controller of the partner company.